Download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free. Microsoft Windows 8.1 Preview

Download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free. Microsoft Windows 8.1 Preview

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- Download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free


Publisher: Visit Publisher. OS: Windows 8. Write A Review. Windows 8. They build on Windows 8 and bring you more ways детальнее на этой странице stay productive, have fun, and do all the things you need and want to do on your PC. To install Windows 8. If you're using Windows 8, follow these steps to install Windows 8.

Double-tap or double-click the ISO file. Double-tap or double-click setup. Pros: Not that many, quicker boot and shutdown time, quicker program loading, quicker at closing running apps, Comes with free Anti Virus built in, enhanced security, enhanced recovery options, easy install with no issues, Seems to run most my Windows 7 programs.

Cons: I could genuinely fill this page with the cons of 8, Terrible user download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free, missing key features download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free Windows, requires 3rd party apps for basic funcionality, has bad privacy issues, most locked down version of Windows ever, has touch UI integrated that cannot be switched off, requires Microsoft account or to register for one, No Start Menu, Some apps cannot be removed, etc etc etc.

Other Thoughts: The truth is you could write all day long about how bad Windows 8 is on a desktop, it may be ok on a touch device as its primary target are touch users so its geared for them, but traditional users are the ones who are taking the pain of 8 and that's risky given Windows users are mostly desktop users.

Important features like the Start Menu have been removed for no good reason other than to lock you into the Metro way of thinking, in this version Microsoft have put a Start Button in that is pretty useless as it throws you back to Metro. On a desktop 8 is simply a different way of doing things for the same result, a bit like learning to drive again in the rear seats, its pointless. Installation was the easiest Windows version I have ever done, it was quick, error free and found "all" my drivers.

My problems began at the end of the install when you are "forced" to open a Microsoft account. This is to ensure you get access to all the included больше информации and I am guessing for Cloud integration. Why should I need to open a account at all but more to the point why am I being forced to do so. It's simple, the more accounts Microsoft have the more money they make download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free that's why you can't use a Google account.

The only way around this is to install 8 offline, that way you are given a option to set one up later.

Then 8 asks you if you want to include Bing in your local searches, if you select yes then Bing takes your local searches and sends them to Microsoft to give you web assisted searches, it then integrates Bing into most of your apps and takes over your desktop.

I only selected yes to see what it did with a download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free up Email account so a wasn't bothered at what it sent to Microsoft, if I were a business customer or even a average Joe, I would be appalled by this, its basically Spyware.

Even if you select no, Windows malware download free is still integrated into 8 in many ways. Within больше информации I don't trust this operating system. Finally I get into 8 and I am greeted by the microsoft office download for free windows 8 free formally known as Metro, it is hideous and looks like it was designed by a 5yr old.

There are big 2d squares and if you click the down button you get all your apps download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free small 2d squares, when you scroll the screen moves left to right, there are no right click menus or power options and to download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free a app you need to left click the top and drag to the bottom.

Most of the included apps are 3rd rate junk except the weather which is actually quite nice, however it has читать статью bugs when you try to scroll left to right it stops at the hourly forecast as it requires up and down scrolling.

The apps have some right click options but nothing that could be called power options. I then spent 20min removing most of the junk and soon discovered that some cannot be removed at all. These include the Store app itself, Skydrive, Video player and a few others. So basically Metro is useless and contains programs that I don't need or want.

The desktop has been relegated to app status much like DOS in recent versions of Windows, when you download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free it the desktop we know so well appears, but its missing the Menu we have used since Win95, the Start Menu is gone, only a button remains that throws you back to Metro.

It has some right click options that look like they were crudely added in this version. Адрес get any level of sanity I had to add a desktop toolbar download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free get quick access to the Control Panel etc. This is where the split personality of 8 starts to annoy you, they have moved settings over to Metro but download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free options are still in the Control Panel.

I found I was ссылка на подробности round in circles with Metro and then download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free to desktop, it посетить страницу источник like you are using 2 operating systems and it quickly wears you down.

Nothing is obvious or predictable, it just feels like Touch and Desktop had a car crash and this was the Mutant result. You also do "not" feel lie you are in control of this OS, with older versions you could quickly switch off waht you don't want and enter regedit and msconfig to make changes.

With 8 you are scared to make changes as it might affect another service as many are interlinked. I also детальнее на этой странице the fact that if I open a file in desktop I get thrown into a Metro app by default, try opening a picture and witness the horror of a full screen crippled app, its madness. What quickly became very clear is that Microsoft are pushing touch and looking to kill the desktop ASAP, this version proves that with the Start Button rather than the missed Menu, its like "that's as far as we are willing to go so get used to it".

The fact you cannot remove or properly switch Metro off confirms this, the fact I cannot remove certain apps is a disgrace as is re-enabling features like the Start Menu. When you need a 3rd party app to do this then 8 has failed failed failed.

Performance is better in download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free but don't be посмотреть больше by the Fanboys who over hype this in the extreme. Yes it loads programs quicker, it also shuts down programs quicker to return reaources back to the OS, a few reg tweaks have made it appear more snappy but keep in mind this can be achieved in 7. It boots quicker as it never really shuts down properly, it goes into hibernation, on a cold start its not much quicker than 7.

It also shuts down quicker although in a comparison to my 7 rig its very marginal. Program performance is virtually the same and benchmarks I have seen confirm this. I did notice it was much quicker at installing Netframe updates which is handy as Netframe 3. Most of your programs installed on your current PC probably require 3. Any speed advantage is quickly canceled out by the usability learning curve. Even after using and understanding 8 it still offers nothing that can be done with 7.

There are a few handy features like the Update and Recovery feature that can reinstall Windows with or without your files backed up. This sounds good but a wonder how long it will be before it breaks. The /385.txt app is useless as it doesn't exist yet, a mean how long has 8 been out for and still no proper help app.

So far it feels like a Alpha in terms of usability and far from a finished product. They failed to integrate the 2 UI's in any way that's usable and you get the feeling that its more like brining Touch to Windows and gradually fading the desktop out. That may be ok in a retail sense download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free it throws millions of professional users under a bus and asks them to sacrifice productivity so Windows can run Facebook apps for brain dead retards.

Enterprise will move to 7 as 8 is download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free Administrators nightmare and its hard to see a future for 8 as it compromises whatever its ported читать больше. Microsoft are the only ones to attempt this and have failed, they have failed to understand that Touch and Desktop are 2 entirely different experiences, one for consumption and one is for productivity.

That's why their rivals didn't even consider this madness. For Microsoft to do this is immature and downright reckless. If you are happy with 7 then stick with it as 8 will bring you no joy at all Microsoft Windows 8.

Note: This page download windows 8.1 preview microsoft free for informational purposes only. This download is no longer available. Notes before you download Windows 8. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Some product features and functionality may require additional hardware or software.

Review Date: Read All Reviews 2 User Reviews.



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